What SRL consultation has already been undertaken?

    The first stage of the SRL project is known as SRL East. This includes 26km of underground rail tunnels and six new train stations between Cheltenham and Box Hill. Two new stations are proposed within the City of Whitehorse – one in Box Hill and the other in Burwood.

    As part of the planning approval stage of SRL East, the Suburban Rail Loop Authority placed an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) on public exhibition. The EES contains all the information about the benefits and impacts of the project. Whitehorse City Council has made a submission about the EES which reflects the views of the Whitehorse community as expressed during the community engagement activities. Council's submission can be viewed here.

    Thank you to the community members who participated in the forum, panel sessions and completed surveys to let us know about your priorities. The engagement report outlines the community priorities regarding SRL East.

    You can view the SRL East Environment Effects Statement (EES) on the Victorian Government website.

    Further information on the SRL East project can be found on the Victorian Government Big Build website.

    How will SRL affect Box Hill?

    Box Hill is a designated Metropolitan Activity Centre (MAC). This means it plays a strategically important role in region for businesses, residents, students and visitors. It combines a range of activities and services with higher-density housing. An MAC attracts local people as well as those from further away.

    In addition to a new train station, SRL will bring an opportunity for significant new areas of public open space to be built above ground in Box Hill. These areas can positively contribute to the Box Hill MAC and the local community.

    Further information on the proposed SRL station for Box Hill can be found on the State Government Big Build website.

    What is Council’s ‘vision’ for SRL’s new public open spaces in Box Hill?

    Council has developed an aspirational vision document to share with the SRLA. The vision will show our community’s preferred outcomes for the new public open spaces that will be developed in Box Hill as a result of the SRL.

    Council will present the vision to the SRLA for consideration. The final design, however, will be determined by the SRLA.

    The vision focuses on the four public areas that were shown on the SRL Surface and Tunnel Plan and endorsed by the Minister for Planning after the Environmental Effects Statement review. These four public areas are:

    1. Market Street, Box Hill Mall
    2. Main Street, Box Hill Mall
    3. The Gardens Link (this area will link Whitehorse Road to Box Hill Gardens)
    4. The Whitehorse Linear Reserve (this area will replace the existing centre median that currently separates east and west bound traffic on Whitehorse Road)

    The vision will show what we want the areas to look like and how they could function.

    The vision doesn’t not include broader precinct structure planning process for the area, which is being undertaken by the SRLA. Refer to the State Government Big Build website for information on SRL East Precinct Planning.

    What community engagement has taken place to inform the vision?

    The vision has been shaped by feedback received from the community. Broad consultation occurred in 2021 including:

     Council’s SRL Engagement Survey – Nov 2021
     Community Forum – 10 Nov 2021
     Community Panel – 18 Nov 2021
     Targeted consultation occurred with property owners and traders in the immediate Box Hill Mall and surrounds in December 2022.

    Key themes from each of these consultations were prioritised and broad ideas developed. This then provided the basis of the vision document.

    What were the findings from Council's recent community engagements about Box Hill?

    The key themes to emerge from completed community engagement include:

    Box Hill public space priorities

    • Having connected and accessible transport in Box Hill is a priority.
    • Protect heritage architecture in the Box Hill.
    • Well designed streetscapes and open spaces.
    • Accessibility is important, including easy access to public transport.

    Box Hill open space priorities

    • Protect vegetation and open spaces such as Box Hill Gardens.
    • Have connected, high quality cycling/walking routes along Whitehorse Road.
    • Retain green space through the project and reinstate what is used.

    Box Hill Mall priorities

    • More outdoor dining in the Mall is a priority.
    • Greening parts of the Mall is a priority.
    • Making the Mall feel safer is a priority, particularly in the evening.
    • Security around public transport is a priority.
    • A clean and tidy Mall is a priority.
    • Security surveillance and presence is a priority.
    • The Mall being loved and locals caring for it is a priority.
    • Accessibility to the Mall and stations is important.