Feedback closes on Monday 17 March 2025.
Have your say on the Charles Rooks and Dagola Reserve Draft Landscape Concept Plan.
We developed the draft plan after extensive community consultation and assessment in 2024.
In response to community feedback, we’re proposing a range of improvements to the reserve over the next 15 years including:
- Upgrading the play space at Charles Rooks Reserve to offer a larger and attractive play destination with variety of play opportunities for all age groups.
- Creating a recreational area including shelter, BBQ facility, picnic setting, waste bin, and a drinking water fountain at the southwest of Charles Rooks Reserve.
- Introducing quiet nature areas for play, reflect and social opportunities throughout Dagola Reserve.
- Establishing a well-connected path network through Charles Rooks and Dagola Reserve with existing and new paths.
- More seating at key locations throughout the reserve.
- Developing a tree replacement strategy for the ageing pine tree population.
- Protecting remnant vegetation and expanding conservation areas where appropriate.
- Enhancing existing ground cover planting with additional garden beds.
- Increasing garden bed planting along road edges.
- Installing light fittings with motion activation, time restriction and fauna-sensitive lights to decrease impacts on the habitat.
To learn more, download the Charles Rooks and Dagola Reserve Draft Landscape Concept Plan.
Site Location
Click on the glowing icons to reveal key proposed features