Vermont South Club Pavilion consultation update

Thank you to everyone who took the opportunity to provide feedback on the Vermont South Club Pavilion upgrade. We have now finalised the detailed design of the upgrade (plan attached).

Information about the upgrade

In response to community feedback, we are providing more detailed information about the upgrade below.

The building will meet the practical requirements of the club with enhanced function space and amenities. The design meets Universal Accessibility Standards, for example, with an accessible serving bench for the bar and compliant ramped access to both bowling greens.

The footprint of the building will extend west over the existing deck space, with the new deck area sitting above the existing concrete platform area.

The car park will be extended by 4 bays to the south of the existing car park. This is to offset the changed car parking closer to the building.

The upgrade is jointly funded by Council, the Federal Government and Vermont South Club. The funding does not extend beyond the scope of upgrading the pavilion, meaning any works to the tennis club rooms or playing surfaces for bowling or tennis will not be able to be included as part of this project.

The finalised design meets the current National Construction Code and incorporates elements of Council’s environmental sustainability design guidelines.

The operations of the pavilion will not change and will be subject to the same conditions in line with the lease agreement. If you have any concerns on the use or operation of the site, feedback can be provided to Council via or 9262 6333.

Next steps

The contract for works is currently out for tender now with Council aiming to appoint a builder by the end of October.

Pavilion upgrade supported by Council policy

Council acknowledges the role it plays and the importance of providing facilities that encourage physical activity, which is supported by the Whitehorse Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021–2025. The plan identifies five broad health and wellbeing priorities to focus on for the next four years including mental wellbeing, physical activity, social and neighbourhood connection, and social inclusion.

To support physical activity, the strategies below have been developed to achieve “healthy behaviours”, with the objective that “by 2025 people in Whitehorse will be enjoying more physical activity and a healthier diet”:

  • Plan, develop and partner to create built environments and programs that enable the community to be active.
  • Ensure public spaces, recreation and play spaces are safe and are accessible to all.
  • Promote participation in structured and unstructured physical activity. Encourage physical activity and social interactions in the community e.g., promote the benefits of owning and walking a dog, joining cycling clubs, park runs, walking groups etc.

Council’s Recreation Strategy also acknowledges that it plays a number of roles to ensure the community has access to a wide range of recreation opportunities. These include:

  • The planning of services and facilities. This involves identifying community needs, priorities and opportunities; developing strategies to address these; and identifying project partners, funding sources and timelines.
  • Providing services directly or facilitating other agencies or community groups to provide these.
  • Developing and maintaining infrastructure for recreation. This involves the planning, design and construction of buildings, roads, pathways and leisure/community centres and working with project partners to fund and manage these assets. The construction of infrastructure is subject to a needs analysis, strategic priorities and appropriate funding through Council’s annual budget process.
  • Advocacy and partnership building with Victorian and Federal government, business and local community to secure services and facilities.

Feedback on the Vermont South Club Pavilion Redevelopment closed on 18 April 2022.

Council’s Recreation Strategy recognises the need for places where people can go to play, have fun and compete.

The Vermont South Club Pavilion located at 30A Livingston Road, Vermont South has served the community well however, it is now time for the pavilion to be redeveloped to meet community expectations and legislative requirements.

The pavilion will remain in the same location but be extended west and south with a larger footprint. The new pavilion will better service the club and provide them opportunities to hire the facilities to the wider community. The changes will primarily include:

Larger multi-purpose room that will be available for clubs to socialise and available for community groups when not occupied by the sporting clubs;

  • Meeting room
  • Upgraded amenities including accessible toilet
  • Kitchen and bar facilities;
  • Storage rooms; and
  • Deck

Council is committed to redevelop the Vermont South Club pavilions and will finalise designs by May 2022. Construction works are anticipated to commence in July 2022 and go for 8 months.

Please refer to the Documents library on this page for the site layout plan and architectural impressions of the new pavilion. Frequently Asked Questions are also available to provide you with more information.