Shaping Whitehorse is our community’s opportunity to help shape the future of our city, for the next four years and beyond.
We are developing and reviewing a range of major plans as well as our Annual Budget 2025/26. These important documents set the priorities for the services Council provides, the facilities and projects we invest in, and how we support the health and wellbeing of our community.
These documents affect everybody in Whitehorse. They guide the day-to-day work of Council as well as longer-term decision-making.
Through Shaping Whitehorse, we are engaging with our community and other stakeholders to make sure our planning reflects the needs and aspirations of our community.
What plans are included in Shaping Whitehorse?
The following documents are being developed and reviewed through the Shaping Whitehorse project:
- Integrated Council Plan 2025-2029 (includes the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan)
- Annual Budget 2025-2026
- Revenue and Rating Plan
- Long-term Financial Plan
- 10-year Asset Plan
- Check-in on the Whitehorse 2040 Community Vision
To learn more about these documents you can browse our Fact Sheet - Integrated Planning.
What has happened so far?
Community survey
March-May 2024
Through our first round of community consultation, 1430 community members shared their perspectives, ideas and priorities. We received 429 survey responses and we had input from over 790 community members across 10 pop-up events. We also held workshops with a range of community and special interest groups.
Community Panel
July-August 2024
A Community Panel, comprising 36 community members, met on 4 occasions to consider a range of information and make a series of recommendations to Council to help inform the development of the Integrated Council Plan 2025-2029, Annual Budget 2025/26 and other key planning documents.
About the Community Panel
The panel was recruited through a self-nomination process. Participants were selected to represent the diversity of our community, and included people from a range of age groups, suburbs, cultural backgrounds, abilities and identities. The make up of the panel included:
Feedback from children under the age of 18 was captured through the Stage 1 broad engagement Council conducted from March to May 2025.
Community Panel recommendations
To help inform their recommendations, the panel was presented with information including the results of the community survey, as well as other research and data presented by Council officers and other subject matter experts.
Following their in-depth considerations, the panel made a series of recommendations across 5 key themes for the future of our city:
- A strong and connected community
- Suitable buildings and spaces
- Local business, jobs and learning
- A healthy and natural environment
- How Council works
The panel also considered health and wellbeing as a topic that is embedded through each of the above 5 areas, and provided recommendations on areas to focus on for the 2025-2029 period.
Read the full Shaping Whitehorse Community Panel Report including all the panel's recommendations.
Community survey results
Below is a summary of results from our community survey.
If you would like to view the full survey results, you can read the Shaping Whitehorse broad engagement findings report.
Your priorities by theme
Our Integrated Council Plan identifies 5 key themes. You told us your priorities for each theme are:
Theme 1: A strong and connected community
Theme 1: A strong and connected community
Theme 2: Suitable buildings and spaces
Theme 2: Suitable buildings and spaces
Theme 3: Local businesses, jobs and learning
Theme 3: Local business, jobs and learning
Theme 4: A healthy and natural environment
Theme 4: A healthy and natural environment
Theme 5: How Council works
Theme 5: How Council works
Your priorities for Council assets
Health and Wellbeing
Next steps
The recommendations of the Community Panel, together with the feedback received through the Community Survey, are currently being considered as we develop the draft Integrated Council Plan 2025-2029, Annual Budget 2025/26 and other documents.
Our community will have the opportunity to view and make comments on the draft documents in the first half of 2025.