Feedback on the Koonung Park Sports Field Floodlighting consultation concluded on Sunday 13 February 2022.

Council is preparing a grant funding application seeking funding support form Sport and Recreation Victoria to renew the sports field lights to the east and west ovals at Koonung Park, Blackburn North. The works are required as the lighting towers are ageing and the existing light fittings use outdated lighting technology and are not sustainable.

The Koonung Park sports field lighting project will involve removing the existing sports field lights and replacing them with new lighting towers and energy efficient LED light fittings. The sports field lighting towers are approximately 27m tall. The project will include the installation of four new sports field towers to the east and west ovals. The upgraded sports field lighting will provide illumination to 150 Lux for the sports field.

The project has been designed to comply with all Australian Standards and features control measures including the ability to automatically turn the lights off to ensure lights do not stay on after Council nominated hours of operation.

We have previously undertaken two rounds of consultation with residents who live near Koonung Park as part of the development of the Floodlighting Policy – Outdoor Sports and Recreation. Council endorsed the Floodlighting Policy – Outdoor Sports and Recreation on 14 of December 2020.

Please, refer to the Documents library on this page to read this Policy. Frequently Asked Questions are also available to provide you with more information.

There may be some minor disruptions to the users of the reserve as part of the project however, we will work hard to minimise these. Works on this project are expected to begin in late 2022.