Whitehorse City Council Investment & Economic Development Draft Strategy 2024 -28

The Investment and Economic Development Strategy 2024- 2028 was adopted at the Council Meeting on Monday 13 May 2024.

A new Investment & Economic Development Strategy is being developed that will focus on the future of business, industry, investment, employment and improving the quality of life for people living, working, studying, and visiting the City of Whitehorse.

The draft strategy guides economic growth priorities, key economic development themes and actions for Council over the next five years.

Our work so far

Consultation with the community was completed to develop our Draft Investment & Economic Development Strategy 2024- 2028.

This included consulting with:

  • residents and community members
  • local businesses, including major industry sectors and home-based businesses
  • Government stakeholders
  • Whitehorse City Council departments.

Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey and participated in the first stage of the consultation. As a result of the consultation, five key themes were identified from the engagement which are pillars of the draft Strategy.

  • Supporting a Productive & Innovative Business Community
    Providing support for the business community to encourage growth, productivity, and development.

  • Supporting Activity Centres & Employment Precincts
    Supporting the employment precincts and activity centres that drive local consumption, support business activity, generate local job creation and provide services and amenity for residents.

  • Visitor Economy Growth
    Driving visitor growth and enhancing the visitor experience, with a particular focus on international students and the visiting friends and relatives of migrant communities.

  • Accessing a Skilled & ‘Job-Ready’ Labour Force
    Providing opportunities for residents of all backgrounds – through skills development and training – to join the local workforce.

  • Enhancing Liveability Outcomes
    Maintaining and providing amenity, services, infrastructure, as well as leisure and recreation facilities that promote community wellbeing, engagement, and connections.

Further Information

Further information about the development of the Investment & Economic Development Strategy, please contact the Investment and Economic Development Unit via email business@whitehorse.vic.gov.au or visit the WBIZ website.

The Investment and Economic Development Strategy 2024- 2028 was adopted at the Council Meeting on Monday 13 May 2024.

A new Investment & Economic Development Strategy is being developed that will focus on the future of business, industry, investment, employment and improving the quality of life for people living, working, studying, and visiting the City of Whitehorse.

The draft strategy guides economic growth priorities, key economic development themes and actions for Council over the next five years.

Our work so far

Consultation with the community was completed to develop our Draft Investment & Economic Development Strategy 2024- 2028.

This included consulting with:

  • residents and community members
  • local businesses, including major industry sectors and home-based businesses
  • Government stakeholders
  • Whitehorse City Council departments.

Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey and participated in the first stage of the consultation. As a result of the consultation, five key themes were identified from the engagement which are pillars of the draft Strategy.

  • Supporting a Productive & Innovative Business Community
    Providing support for the business community to encourage growth, productivity, and development.

  • Supporting Activity Centres & Employment Precincts
    Supporting the employment precincts and activity centres that drive local consumption, support business activity, generate local job creation and provide services and amenity for residents.

  • Visitor Economy Growth
    Driving visitor growth and enhancing the visitor experience, with a particular focus on international students and the visiting friends and relatives of migrant communities.

  • Accessing a Skilled & ‘Job-Ready’ Labour Force
    Providing opportunities for residents of all backgrounds – through skills development and training – to join the local workforce.

  • Enhancing Liveability Outcomes
    Maintaining and providing amenity, services, infrastructure, as well as leisure and recreation facilities that promote community wellbeing, engagement, and connections.

Further Information

Further information about the development of the Investment & Economic Development Strategy, please contact the Investment and Economic Development Unit via email business@whitehorse.vic.gov.au or visit the WBIZ website.