What is Community Engagement?

    Community engagement refers to the many ways Council connects with our community in the development and implementation of initiatives, policies, programs, projects and services.

    Community engagement is an essential part of our local democracy and promotes community participation in decision making.

    Council is committed to community engagement that is inclusive, transparent and constructive and gives individuals and groups a voice in decisions or actions that may affect or interest them.

    Why do we need a Community Engagement Policy?

    A community engagement policy is required under the Local Government Act, and applies to all strategies, plans or projects that require community engagement for their development. 

    Our Community Engagement Policy provides guidelines for how and when we engage with our community and how community views inform Council decisions, policies, plans, services and projects. It also outlines the roles of Councillors and staff when conducting engagement.  

    Why is Council reviewing the Policy?

    Council’s Community Engagement Policy was last endorsed in October 2022. This policy is reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains up-to-date and compliant with all relevant legislation and best practice guidelines.

    We regularly talk to the community about major decisions. Since October 2022, we have:

    • consulted with the community on over 100 projects
    • received more than 20,000 submissions
    • reached over 66,000 people through our Your Say Whitehorse website.

    It is time to review the policy to make sure it still meets the community’s expectations and needs.

    How can I be involved?

    To assist us to improve your engagement experience, we want to hear your thoughts on when and how you would like to be informed, consulted and involved in issues important to you, as well as your experiences of participating in Council consultation activities.

    We’d also like to hear your ideas for how we can improve the ways we consult the community.

    There will be lots of ways to get involved and share your thoughts and ideas, including a survey and several community pop-ups. We’ll also be talking directly to children and young people to hear their thoughts about how we can better engage with them.

    What will we do with your feedback?

    We’ll use what you’ve told us to review our Community Engagement Policy and make changes to it. We’ll then come back to you with a draft policy and you’ll have another opportunity to provide comments on it.

    Can I get help to participate?

    Yes. You can get help in several ways:

    Get a translated survey in: Simplified Chinese, Greek, Vietnamese, and Hindi, or you can use the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450.

    Complete a survey over the phone: call (03) 9262 6333

    Request a printed survey and reply-paid envelope: call (03) 9262 6333

    Use the National Relay Service to call us:

    Voice calls: 133 677

    Speak and listen: 1300 555 727

    SMS relay: 0423 677 767

    Internet relay: www.relayservice.gov.au

    If you need another form of assistance, please call 9262 6333