Council Plan, Budget and Revenue & Rating Plan

Adoption of Council Plan 2021-2025, Proposed Budget 2023/24 and Revenue and Rating Plan.

On 26 June, Council adopted the revised Council Plan 2021-2025, Proposed Budget 2023/24 and Revenue and Rating Plan that were on display from 10-24 May 2023.

Revised Council Plan 2021-2025

The Council Plan 2021-2025 is the strategic document that guides the delivery of our services over the duration of the Plan. The revised Plan is more transparent, includes streamlined strategic directions and objectives, with clear actions and measurable outcomes that are relevant, achievable and meaningful.

Adopted Budget

Council’s Adopted Budget 2023/24 is a balanced and financially responsible budget and demonstrates our ongoing commitment to financial sustainability and transformation. Our budget aims to optimise and improve services and infrastructure, as well as deliver key projects and initiatives that are valued by our community.

Rating and Revenue Plan:

The Revised Revenue and Rating Plan 2023-27 outlines how Council will raise revenue to fund its services and capital works program, and deliver priority initiatives identified in the new Council Plan and Budget over the next 4 years.

Closing the Loop – Council Plan and Budget 2023/24

Last year we conducted extensive community engagement to seek feedback on the Council Plan and priorities for Council which would inform a review of the Council plan and Budget 2023/24 including:

  • An online survey from 5 September to 25 October 2022;
  • Vox pops in each of the Councillor wards and at the Spring Festival;
  • Two drop-in sessions; and
  • A workshop with the Shaping Whitehorse Panel.

More than 500 pieces of feedback were provided by the community and we thank everyone for their time and effort in engaging in this process.

This early engagement meant Council could identify important themes and make informed decisions as the budget development progressed.

The top 5 themes to emerge from community feedback on the Council Plan and Budget, including the percentage of the total responses received, were:

Priorities for the Council Plan for the next 12 months

  • 24% New infrastructure/asset management
  • 11% Natural environment
  • 9% Health and wellbeing
  • 7% Programs and services
  • 6% Transport and roads

Projects or Priority Actions for consideration in the Budget 2023/24

  • 13.6% Community infrastructure
  • 12.4% Hardcourts
  • 9.4% Open space amenity
  • 7.8% Ovals / reserves
  • 6.4% Paths and trails

The Council Plan has now been revised to clearly link Council activities with our strategic directions and alignment with the community vision 2040. Actions have been more clearly defined, are more measurable and more easily reported to the community.

Just under half of respondents (43%) indicated that ‘something was missing’ from the Council Plan objectives, however the majority of these suggestions were operational in nature and not suited for inclusion in the Council Plan as strategic objectives. These suggestions have instead been used to inform the revised strategic actions or internal department plans.

For example, the objective to ‘advocate for greater housing diversity including affordable and social housing’ was removed and replaced by an updated strategic action to partner in affordable housing advocacy and raising community awareness. This change better reflects where Council can have the greatest impact on affordable and social housing outcomes.

Another example, it was noted that there is no Council Plan objective relating to active transport and as a result a major initiative was reaffirmed for inclusion regarding the implementation of the Easy Ride Routes.

The revised Council Plan 2021-25, Proposed Budget 2023/24 and revised Revenue and Rating Plan 2023-2027 will be available for display from 10 May to 24 May on this page and will be formally considered by Council for adoption on 26 June.

Below is a summary of how the key themes from the community feedback have been addressed in the Draft Council Plan, Proposed Budget 2023/24 and or Capital Works Program.

Key Themes from Community Feedback on Council Plan and BudgetCouncil Actions / Response
New infrastructure and asset management (including community infrastructure and hardcourts)

Council has updated strategic direction 4 in the Council Plan (‘A built environment that encourages movement with high quality public places’) and consolidated its objective to ‘Council will plan, build, renew and maintain community assets and public spaces to meet community needs. We will plan for and facilitate appropriate land use and high quality development outcomes.’

New strategic actions for implementation in Years 3 & 4 include:

  • Deliver a capital works program that strengthens the inclusiveness and accessibility of our local neighbourhoods, assets, facilities and services
  • Implement the Whitehorse Asset Plan 2022-2032
  • Prepare strategies and guidelines that support high quality urban design outcomes for development including community assets

New community infrastructure is addressed in the Proposed Budget with:

  • An average spend of $16.5m per annum for land and buildings over the next 4 years (2023/24 $20.9m)
  • An average spend of $24m per annum for infrastructure over the next 4 years (2023/24 $22.6m)
  • $0.2m per annum for renewal of sports courts in 4 year Capital Works Program

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • Completion of The Round redevelopment $3.8m
  • Preschool Refurbishment $0.25m
  • Old Mont Albert Station Building Fit Out $0.1m
  • Hamilton St, Mont Albert - Streetscape Upgrade Design $0.1m
Climate change and the natural environment (including ovals / reserves and open space amenity)

Council has updated strategic direction 5 of the Council Plan to ‘Sustainable climate and environmental care’ and revised its objective to ‘Council will take a leadership role in addressing climate change and ensure we protect and enhance our natural environment.’

New and updated strategic actions for implementation in Years 3 & 4 include:

  • Lead on climate change and build the resilience of our community, and the natural and built environment through implementation of the Sustainability Strategy 2030 Taking Climate Action
  • Implement the actions of the Integrated Water Management Strategy 2022-2042 to improve the water quality of local waterways
  • Seek changes to the planning scheme to increase Environmentally Sustainable Development targets

The Proposed Budget addresses ovals, reserves and open space amenity with:

  • $3m provision in 2023/24 for Open Space Strategy and Strategic Land Acquisition
  • Approximately $5m per annum for parks, open spaces and streetscapes in 4 year Capital Works Program ($3.67m in 2023/24)
  • Approximately $3m per annum in 4 year Capital Works Program for renewal/upgrade of sportsfields including surface, lighting, nets and other infrastructure
  • $3.7m in 23/24 for renewal/upgrade works in parks and open space

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • Parks and Street Tree Planting $0.55m
  • Urban Forest Strategy Actions $0.29m
  • Integrated Water Management Strategy Actions $0.11m
  • Elgar North East oval surface & lighting works in 23/24 (NELP funded) $2.38m
  • Pavilion upgrades $8.93m ($3.37m grant funded)
Health and wellbeing

Council has updated strategic direction 7 of the Council Plan to ‘A safe and healthy community’ and revised its objective to ‘Council will protect and promote the health and wellbeing of the Whitehorse community’.

New and updated strategic actions for implementation in Years 3 & 4 include:

  • Advocate for and respond to social, health and wellbeing needs identified in the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, in partnership with local agencies
  • Promote community participation in sporting and recreational opportunities, especially by underrepresented groups
  • Inform and educate the community, especially those most at risk, about how to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and identified emergency risks
  • Increase the capacity of Council, its partners and the community to identify, respond to and prevent elder abuse and family violence

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • Establishment of Positive Ageing Service $1.05m
  • Open Space Master Plans $0.64m
Programs and services

This theme covers a number of strategic directions in the Council Plan. Some of the new and updated strategic actions in the Council Plan that relate specifically to programs and services include:

  • Support, promote and celebrate Council’s volunteer programs
  • Develop and deliver Council festivals and events that encourage community participation and connection
  • Deliver and or partner with the education sector to engage, promote and advocate for improved learning and educational opportunities for individuals and local businesses and their staff
  • Provide and promote arts and cultural experiences to enhance community creativity and connection
  • Work in partnership with community groups to celebrate and host events that promote culture and heritage, faith and gender diversity
  • Implement initiatives from the Diversity Action Plan to reduce discrimination
  • Provide opportunities for the community to be engaged in decision-making processes and share the outcomes with them

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • An operational budget that provides $173 million for the delivery of services to the community including:
    • $23.87m Kerbside and Public Waste Services
    • $15.73m Parks and Natural Environment (maintenance of sports fields, parks and gardens)
    • $15.58m Leisure and Recreation Services
    • $11.91m Health and Family Services
    • $11.06m City Services (maintenance of footpaths, drains and roads, sustainability and depot operations)
    • $10.55m Whitehorse Recycling and Waste Centre (waste transfer station)
    • $9.52m Community Safety (Community Laws, parking, school crossings and emergency management)
    • $9.08m City Planning and Development
    • $7.38m Arts and Cultural Services
    • $6.73m Engineering and Investment
    • $5.89m Libraries
    • $4.99m Project Delivery and Assets
    • $2.61m Community Engagement and Development
    • $1.05m Positive Ageing
    • $0.87m Home and Community Services
    • $0.70m Major Projects
Transport and roads (including paths and trails)

Under strategic direction 4 of the Council Plan, a new strategic action has been added for implementation in Years 3 & 4 to:

  • Advocate to and partner with State Government on major transport infrastructure projects to facilitate a safe, accessible and integrated transport network

The Council Plan has also retained a major initiative to implement Easy Ride routes based on the community feedback received.

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • Easy Ride Routes $0.36m
  • Pedestrian pathway – Wood Park $0.06m
  • Implementation of Box Hill Integrated Transport Strategy $0.41m
  • Approximately $4m per annum for footpaths and cycleways in 4 year Capital Works Program ($4.5m in 2023/24, including $2.7m for footpath renewals)

Adoption of Council Plan 2021-2025, Proposed Budget 2023/24 and Revenue and Rating Plan.

On 26 June, Council adopted the revised Council Plan 2021-2025, Proposed Budget 2023/24 and Revenue and Rating Plan that were on display from 10-24 May 2023.

Revised Council Plan 2021-2025

The Council Plan 2021-2025 is the strategic document that guides the delivery of our services over the duration of the Plan. The revised Plan is more transparent, includes streamlined strategic directions and objectives, with clear actions and measurable outcomes that are relevant, achievable and meaningful.

Adopted Budget

Council’s Adopted Budget 2023/24 is a balanced and financially responsible budget and demonstrates our ongoing commitment to financial sustainability and transformation. Our budget aims to optimise and improve services and infrastructure, as well as deliver key projects and initiatives that are valued by our community.

Rating and Revenue Plan:

The Revised Revenue and Rating Plan 2023-27 outlines how Council will raise revenue to fund its services and capital works program, and deliver priority initiatives identified in the new Council Plan and Budget over the next 4 years.

Closing the Loop – Council Plan and Budget 2023/24

Last year we conducted extensive community engagement to seek feedback on the Council Plan and priorities for Council which would inform a review of the Council plan and Budget 2023/24 including:

  • An online survey from 5 September to 25 October 2022;
  • Vox pops in each of the Councillor wards and at the Spring Festival;
  • Two drop-in sessions; and
  • A workshop with the Shaping Whitehorse Panel.

More than 500 pieces of feedback were provided by the community and we thank everyone for their time and effort in engaging in this process.

This early engagement meant Council could identify important themes and make informed decisions as the budget development progressed.

The top 5 themes to emerge from community feedback on the Council Plan and Budget, including the percentage of the total responses received, were:

Priorities for the Council Plan for the next 12 months

  • 24% New infrastructure/asset management
  • 11% Natural environment
  • 9% Health and wellbeing
  • 7% Programs and services
  • 6% Transport and roads

Projects or Priority Actions for consideration in the Budget 2023/24

  • 13.6% Community infrastructure
  • 12.4% Hardcourts
  • 9.4% Open space amenity
  • 7.8% Ovals / reserves
  • 6.4% Paths and trails

The Council Plan has now been revised to clearly link Council activities with our strategic directions and alignment with the community vision 2040. Actions have been more clearly defined, are more measurable and more easily reported to the community.

Just under half of respondents (43%) indicated that ‘something was missing’ from the Council Plan objectives, however the majority of these suggestions were operational in nature and not suited for inclusion in the Council Plan as strategic objectives. These suggestions have instead been used to inform the revised strategic actions or internal department plans.

For example, the objective to ‘advocate for greater housing diversity including affordable and social housing’ was removed and replaced by an updated strategic action to partner in affordable housing advocacy and raising community awareness. This change better reflects where Council can have the greatest impact on affordable and social housing outcomes.

Another example, it was noted that there is no Council Plan objective relating to active transport and as a result a major initiative was reaffirmed for inclusion regarding the implementation of the Easy Ride Routes.

The revised Council Plan 2021-25, Proposed Budget 2023/24 and revised Revenue and Rating Plan 2023-2027 will be available for display from 10 May to 24 May on this page and will be formally considered by Council for adoption on 26 June.

Below is a summary of how the key themes from the community feedback have been addressed in the Draft Council Plan, Proposed Budget 2023/24 and or Capital Works Program.

Key Themes from Community Feedback on Council Plan and BudgetCouncil Actions / Response
New infrastructure and asset management (including community infrastructure and hardcourts)

Council has updated strategic direction 4 in the Council Plan (‘A built environment that encourages movement with high quality public places’) and consolidated its objective to ‘Council will plan, build, renew and maintain community assets and public spaces to meet community needs. We will plan for and facilitate appropriate land use and high quality development outcomes.’

New strategic actions for implementation in Years 3 & 4 include:

  • Deliver a capital works program that strengthens the inclusiveness and accessibility of our local neighbourhoods, assets, facilities and services
  • Implement the Whitehorse Asset Plan 2022-2032
  • Prepare strategies and guidelines that support high quality urban design outcomes for development including community assets

New community infrastructure is addressed in the Proposed Budget with:

  • An average spend of $16.5m per annum for land and buildings over the next 4 years (2023/24 $20.9m)
  • An average spend of $24m per annum for infrastructure over the next 4 years (2023/24 $22.6m)
  • $0.2m per annum for renewal of sports courts in 4 year Capital Works Program

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • Completion of The Round redevelopment $3.8m
  • Preschool Refurbishment $0.25m
  • Old Mont Albert Station Building Fit Out $0.1m
  • Hamilton St, Mont Albert - Streetscape Upgrade Design $0.1m
Climate change and the natural environment (including ovals / reserves and open space amenity)

Council has updated strategic direction 5 of the Council Plan to ‘Sustainable climate and environmental care’ and revised its objective to ‘Council will take a leadership role in addressing climate change and ensure we protect and enhance our natural environment.’

New and updated strategic actions for implementation in Years 3 & 4 include:

  • Lead on climate change and build the resilience of our community, and the natural and built environment through implementation of the Sustainability Strategy 2030 Taking Climate Action
  • Implement the actions of the Integrated Water Management Strategy 2022-2042 to improve the water quality of local waterways
  • Seek changes to the planning scheme to increase Environmentally Sustainable Development targets

The Proposed Budget addresses ovals, reserves and open space amenity with:

  • $3m provision in 2023/24 for Open Space Strategy and Strategic Land Acquisition
  • Approximately $5m per annum for parks, open spaces and streetscapes in 4 year Capital Works Program ($3.67m in 2023/24)
  • Approximately $3m per annum in 4 year Capital Works Program for renewal/upgrade of sportsfields including surface, lighting, nets and other infrastructure
  • $3.7m in 23/24 for renewal/upgrade works in parks and open space

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • Parks and Street Tree Planting $0.55m
  • Urban Forest Strategy Actions $0.29m
  • Integrated Water Management Strategy Actions $0.11m
  • Elgar North East oval surface & lighting works in 23/24 (NELP funded) $2.38m
  • Pavilion upgrades $8.93m ($3.37m grant funded)
Health and wellbeing

Council has updated strategic direction 7 of the Council Plan to ‘A safe and healthy community’ and revised its objective to ‘Council will protect and promote the health and wellbeing of the Whitehorse community’.

New and updated strategic actions for implementation in Years 3 & 4 include:

  • Advocate for and respond to social, health and wellbeing needs identified in the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, in partnership with local agencies
  • Promote community participation in sporting and recreational opportunities, especially by underrepresented groups
  • Inform and educate the community, especially those most at risk, about how to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and identified emergency risks
  • Increase the capacity of Council, its partners and the community to identify, respond to and prevent elder abuse and family violence

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • Establishment of Positive Ageing Service $1.05m
  • Open Space Master Plans $0.64m
Programs and services

This theme covers a number of strategic directions in the Council Plan. Some of the new and updated strategic actions in the Council Plan that relate specifically to programs and services include:

  • Support, promote and celebrate Council’s volunteer programs
  • Develop and deliver Council festivals and events that encourage community participation and connection
  • Deliver and or partner with the education sector to engage, promote and advocate for improved learning and educational opportunities for individuals and local businesses and their staff
  • Provide and promote arts and cultural experiences to enhance community creativity and connection
  • Work in partnership with community groups to celebrate and host events that promote culture and heritage, faith and gender diversity
  • Implement initiatives from the Diversity Action Plan to reduce discrimination
  • Provide opportunities for the community to be engaged in decision-making processes and share the outcomes with them

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • An operational budget that provides $173 million for the delivery of services to the community including:
    • $23.87m Kerbside and Public Waste Services
    • $15.73m Parks and Natural Environment (maintenance of sports fields, parks and gardens)
    • $15.58m Leisure and Recreation Services
    • $11.91m Health and Family Services
    • $11.06m City Services (maintenance of footpaths, drains and roads, sustainability and depot operations)
    • $10.55m Whitehorse Recycling and Waste Centre (waste transfer station)
    • $9.52m Community Safety (Community Laws, parking, school crossings and emergency management)
    • $9.08m City Planning and Development
    • $7.38m Arts and Cultural Services
    • $6.73m Engineering and Investment
    • $5.89m Libraries
    • $4.99m Project Delivery and Assets
    • $2.61m Community Engagement and Development
    • $1.05m Positive Ageing
    • $0.87m Home and Community Services
    • $0.70m Major Projects
Transport and roads (including paths and trails)

Under strategic direction 4 of the Council Plan, a new strategic action has been added for implementation in Years 3 & 4 to:

  • Advocate to and partner with State Government on major transport infrastructure projects to facilitate a safe, accessible and integrated transport network

The Council Plan has also retained a major initiative to implement Easy Ride routes based on the community feedback received.

Proposed Budget 2023/24 highlights include:

  • Easy Ride Routes $0.36m
  • Pedestrian pathway – Wood Park $0.06m
  • Implementation of Box Hill Integrated Transport Strategy $0.41m
  • Approximately $4m per annum for footpaths and cycleways in 4 year Capital Works Program ($4.5m in 2023/24, including $2.7m for footpath renewals)

Page last updated: 15 Sep 2023, 09:33 AM