Feedback closes on Monday 24 March 2025.

Have your say on the Billabong Park Draft Master Plan.

We developed the draft plan after extensive community consultation and assessment in 2024.

In response to community feedback, we’re proposing a range of improvements to the reserve over the next 15 years including:

  • Establishing a connected path network through Billabong Park with existing and new paths.
  • Upgrading the lighting at the baseball diamond for better visibility during evening games.
  • Developing rock edge terrace seating for up to 200 people near the southern baseball diamond.
  • Exploring opportunities for upgrading the pavilion interior, improving accessibility and making it female-friendly.
  • Constructing an outdoor fitness area with equipment suitable for all age groups.
  • Exploring opportunities to create rain garden/wetland.
  • Planting more trees and vegetation throughout the park.
  • More seating throughout the reserve.
  • Installing lighting along the path network to enhance safety and accessibility.
  • Retaining the existing playground at the Allawah Court entry.
  • Keeping Billabong Park as designated off leash dog area and providing signage and infrastructure to support the dog off leash activities.

To learn more, download the Billabong Park Draft Master Plan.

Get involved

  • Fill in the survey below
  • Talk to Council officers at our pop-up session from 10:00AM-12:00PM on Saturday 8 March

Site Location

Billabong Park
Water sensitive urban design opportunities
A continuous path loop
A connected path network
A connected path network
A continuous path loop
Connected staircase from the pavilion to the north
A connected path network
A continuous path loop
A continuous path loop
A connected path network
Southern baseball diamond lighting upgrade
Internal pavilion upgrade
Retain existing playground
Provide outdoor fitness Equipment
Rock edge terrace seating
Enhance park amenities
Enhance park amenities
Remain existing designated off leash dog area
Provide suitable lighting along the path network
Use understory planting and create new garden beds
Use understorey plants and create new garden beds
Provide additional tree planting
Build a swale link along the path
Secondary wayfinding signage
Main wayfinding signage
Increase tree canopy cover throughout the park
A continuous path loop
Use understorey plants and create new garden beds
Enhance park amenities
Provide suitable lighting along the path network